

The ProgressBar widget displays a status bar that can animate between values

Official Kendo UI ProgressBar documentation


  • Basic Example
  • Passing additional options

This example demonstrates passing a single option to bind against the value of the ProgressBar widget.

<div data-bind="kendoProgressBar: percent"> </div>
<input data-bind="value: percent" />
var ViewModel = function() {
    this.percent = ko.observable(25);

                            ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

This example demonstrates passing additional options in the data-bind attribute with value now being explicitly specified.

<div data-bind="kendoProgressBar: { value: percent, enabled: enabled }"> </div>
<input data-bind="value: percent" /><br/>
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: enabled" />
var ViewModel = function() {
    this.enabled = ko.observable(true);
    this.percent = ko.observable(25);

                            ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

Live Options

The binding accepts all of the options that can be specified for the widget. However, when bound against an observable, these live options will update the widget or respond to updates from interactions with the widget.

Determines if users can interact with the progress bar


The current value of the progress bar


If specified, will populate an observable with a reference to the actual widget