The ProgressBar widget displays a status bar that can animate between values
This example demonstrates passing a single option to bind against the value of the ProgressBar widget.
<div data-bind="kendoProgressBar: percent"> </div>
<input data-bind="value: percent" />
var ViewModel = function() {
this.percent = ko.observable(25);
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
This example demonstrates passing additional options in the data-bind attribute with value now being explicitly specified.
<div data-bind="kendoProgressBar: { value: percent, enabled: enabled }"> </div>
<input data-bind="value: percent" /><br/>
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: enabled" />
var ViewModel = function() {
this.enabled = ko.observable(true);
this.percent = ko.observable(25);
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());