

The Sortable binding allows reordering items in an observableArray by drag and drop.

Official Kendo UI Sortable documentation


  • Basic Example
  • Sorting between lists
  • Using global options

This example demonstrates initializing a Splitter widget with no additional options specified.

<ul data-bind="foreach: items, kendoSortable: items">
    <li class="item" data-bind="text: name"></li>
<div data-bind="foreach: items"><span data-bind="text: name"></span>,</div>
var ViewModel = function() {
   this.items = ko.observableArray([
       { name: "one" },
       { name: "two" },
       { name: "three" }

                            ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());


This example demonstrates two lists that items can be dragged within and between.

<ul class="ones" data-bind="foreach: itemsOne, kendoSortable: { data: itemsOne, connectWith: '.twos' }">
    <li class="item" data-bind="text: name"></li>

<hr/><div data-bind="foreach: itemsOne"><span data-bind="text: name"></span>,</div><hr/>

<ul class="twos" data-bind="foreach: itemsTwo, kendoSortable: { data: itemsTwo, connectWith: '.ones' }">
    <li class="item" data-bind="text: name"></li>

<hr/><div data-bind="foreach: itemsTwo"><span data-bind="text: name"></span>,</div>
var ViewModel = function() {
    this.itemsOne = ko.observableArray([
        { name: "one" },
        { name: "two" },
        { name: "three" }

    this.itemsTwo = ko.observableArray([
        { name: "four" },
        { name: "five" },
        { name: "six" }

                            ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());



This example demonstrates setting global options in ko.bindingHandlers.kendoSortable.options. This helps to simplify the markup for settings that can be used as a default for all instances of this widget.

<ul class="items" data-bind="foreach: itemsOne, kendoSortable: itemsOne">
    <li class="item" data-bind="text: name"></li>

<hr/><div data-bind="foreach: itemsOne"><span data-bind="text: name"></span>,</div><hr/>

<ul class="items" data-bind="foreach: itemsTwo, kendoSortable: itemsTwo">
    <li class="item" data-bind="text: name"></li>

<hr/><div data-bind="foreach: itemsTwo"><span data-bind="text: name"></span>,</div>
var ViewModel = function() {
    this.itemsOne = ko.observableArray([
        { name: "one" },
        { name: "two", sortable: true },
        { name: "three", sortable: true }

    this.itemsTwo = ko.observableArray([
        { name: "four", sortable: true },
        { name: "five", sortable: true },
        { name: "six" }

ko.bindingHandlers.kendoSortable.options = {
    connectWith: ".items",
    placeholder: function(element) {
        return element.clone().css({
            "opacity": 0.3,
            "border": "1px dashed #000000"

                            ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());



Live Options

The binding accepts all of the options that can be specified for the widget. However, when bound against an observable, these live options will update the widget or respond to updates from interactions with the widget.

The items being sorted. This is assumed to be an observableArray. Items are spliced into and out of the array.


Return the sortable widget